Your Fingers And Tongue Sculpt Your Sound The radiating sound column appears as the material to be worked out, and actually sculpted by the articulation between your fingers and your tongue, which materialize the link between As A Chatty Player With Skillful Fingers down to your fingertips Your fingers interact with the instrument from the initial emission, for… Continue reading fingers and tongue
Tag: musical intent
a virtual trunk
The Sound Trunk Where you realize you are perched on top of a virtual trunk. Mastering Your Perching Up Merging yourself with your instrument makes you vertically work out your sound column, letting your relaxation rolling downwards ; then, the part of your body located above your diaphragm gets oblivious, while you can visualize the embouchure at the… Continue reading a virtual trunk
the sound source
The Sound Springs From Its Source Mastering your internal vibration progressively makes you precisely localize its source. Spreading Pleasure You should internally visualize the source of your sound at the bottom center point of your diaphragm, down to your heels and even beneath : this is the Japanese Hara or the Chinese Tan Tsienn, representing the location of universal… Continue reading the sound source